
42 disability rights and advocacy organisations call for an end to the segregation of disabled people in Australia

42 disability rights and advocacy organisations call for an end to the segregation of disabled people in Australia

People with disability and our rights and advocacy organisations are fighting to end the segregation of people with disability in Australian education, housing and workplaces. We urge the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) to recognise that segregation of people with disabilities is discrimination and a […]

Source: AFDO

Victorian Budget and inclusive education

Victorian Budget and inclusive education

There were many positive announcements by the Victorian Government yesterday for people with disability in the State Budget.  However, we are disappointed that after committing to achieving inclusive education with the recent announcement of the needs-based funding model, the Victorian Government has announced $388m to be spent on special schools.  Segregated education is NOT inclusive education! […]

Source: AFDO

Update on confidentiality of Disability Royal Commission submissions

Update on confidentiality of Disability Royal Commission submissions

You may remember that DANA, with other National disability peak organisations, sent a joint letter in September to the Hon. Christian Porter MP to express concern about the lack of long-term legislative protections for confidentiality. The Attorney-General published a media release on 20 October announcing these amendments will be made, indicating that: I have instructed my department to work swiftly on the amendments, with the aim of introducing in the Autumn sittings of 2021.” DANA has been hearing from advocates that this lack of assurance is adding uncertainty and complexity to the process of making submissions or deterring people from sharing their story.  


Source: DANA

The role of advocacy highlighted in the DRC Interim Report

The role of advocacy highlighted in the DRC Interim Report

The Disability Royal Commission Interim Report, released on 30 October 2020, acknowledges and reflects the extremely important role of disability advocates and advocacy organisations in supporting people with disability to heard during the DRC processes. This is also evident in the numerous references to evidence given by advocates at hearings and advocacy organisations’ submissions throughout the lengthy document. We have heard from many advocacy and representative organisations that increased advocacy is a key measure to address violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and would lead to a more inclusive society. We have also heard that there is a lack of advocacy services, including for First Nations people with disability and people with complex needs, and that existing advocacy services are under-funded. (page 18)


Source: DANA

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