Disability A–Z

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Early intervention

Early intervention means doing things as early as possible to work on a child’s developmental, health and support needs or to improve functioning and independence for people who get their disability later in life. Early intervention services give specialised support to children and families in the early years (from birth to starting school) or to adults who get their disability as an adult and may need to learn or re-learn ways of doing things. Examples of early intervention include speech therapy for children or orientation and mobility training for people who lose their sight later in life.

Easy English

Easy English helps people who have difficulty reading and understanding English. It is a style of writing that is simple and concise. It focuses on presenting key information, takes out unnecessary detail, and uses a mix of words and images to enhance the message for the reader.

Read more about Easy English »

Hard of hearing

Hard of hearing describes people who have a hearing loss, usually received after they have already learned to speak, and whose communication is usually by speech. This term also covers people who become deafened later in life.


Hearing is a term that members of the deaf community use to describe a group of people who are not deaf or hard of hearing.

Hearing impairment

Hearing disability encompasses deafness, hearing impairment, hearing loss, which can cause severe restrictions in communication, and in the ability to participate in community life.

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