News and resources

Selected category: Disability A-Z

Assistive technology

Assistive technology is any device, system or design you can use to do things that otherwise you couldn’t do. Examples of assistive technology include audio books, hearing aids, automatic door openers, ramps, speech-to-text software, scooters and wheelchairs.


Auslan (Australian sign language) is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Auslan’s grammar and vocabulary is quite different to English. Auslan, and other sign languages, use hands, in various handshapes; facial expression; body language and other visual cues to communicate. Auslan is a recognised community language of Australia.

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)

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Autism spectrum disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is thought to be a neurological disorder but is diagnosed through behaviour.
ASD can be diagnosed when a person has disordered social communication and interaction, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. ASD can be associated with intellectual disability, cognitive impairment, abnormal sensitivity, hyperactivity and anxiety. Symptoms of ASD appear in early childhood and vary across a wide spectrum. ASD is often severe and lifelong.

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