Disability A–Z

deaf (with a lowercase ‘d’) is a general term used to describe people who have a physical condition of hearing loss of varying degrees, no matter which communication mode they use, such as Auslan and lip reading.

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Organisations that can offer more information:

Deaf Australia logo

Deaf Australia

Deaf Australia is the national peak advocacy and information organisation in Australia for Deaf people who are bilingual – using both English and Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Deaf Australia advises government, industry, and service providers about the needs and views of Deaf people, and work to improve Deaf people’s access in a range of areas.

Learn more by visiting the Deaf Australia website.

Deafness Forum Australia logo

Deafness Forum Australia

Deafness Forum Australia is the national peak body representing all interests and viewpoints of the one-in-six Australians who are deaf, deafblind, have a hearing loss or a chronic ear or balance disorder, and the families who support them.

Learn more by visiting the Deafness Forum Australia website.

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